Cléroux, Cécile: Assistant Deputy Minister, AECL Restructuring | Travel and Hospitality Expenses Report | Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses

Travel and Hospitality Expenses Report

Cléroux, Cécile; Assistant Deputy Minister, AECL Restructuring

March 2, 2012 to June 1, 2012

Travel Expenses
Date(s) Purpose Total Cost
2012-03-26 To give a Luncheon Address at the NUCLEAR ENERGY FORUM $448.21
* Total: $448.21


Hospitality Expenses
Date(s) Description Total
2011-05-24 Refreshments - ADM Interagency Committee to monitor AECL Progress $94.25
2011-09-27 Refreshments - ADM Interagency Committee to monitor AECL progress $105.76
2011-11-17 Dinner - Employees (5) worked over dinner hour in order to deliver the final documentation for the Cabinet meeting scheduled November 29th. $102.64
2012-03-20 Refreshments - Refreshments - ADM Interagency Committee to monitor AECL progress $44.41
* Total: $347.06

* Total includes all applicable taxes